Home » 4 Ways to Find Your Passion in a Deep, Daunting Sea of Opportunity

4 Ways to Find Your Passion in a Deep, Daunting Sea of Opportunity

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February 22nd | 2016

Searching for your passion in a sea of limitless opportunities can be daunting. In fact, it can be impossible if you take too long to do it.

You might have been encouraged since you were younger that you could have your dream job if you worked hard enough towards it. What about when you’ve already accomplished the hard working part and you’re there. You’re sitting on the grey office chair in the exact powder blue room of the dream – the place you imaged through the the blood, sweat and tears of college. The thing is that today you don’t feel at all the way that you imagined you would one day.

Live With Passion.

Here are some steps to help you change your mind, even after it feels too late.

Write it Down: There is power in the act of writing down your goals, as far fetched as they may seem. On sticky notes, or in erasable marker on a mirror, write down your year – or five year goals somewhere you glance often. Your bathroom mirror is the perfect place for this.

Network: Just as you’ve probably networked with professionals in a targeted professional industry, take the time to talk to connections in different industries this time around. Most importantly, take time to listen. When out with friends or chatting with coworkers or family, take time to ask various individuals about their passions. You’ll rarely receive a boring, or uninspiring response and you will eventually hear of an idea that you like the sound of yourself.

Do Your Research: In addition to asking around, research around. Thanks to the vast amount of information on the internet, you’re able to browse a mass amount of information about different professional industries any time from your own living room.

Audit a Class: Instead of enrolling in a class that you may be unsure about, look at audit options available to you at your hometown university or college with the simple goal of being inspired.

These days, it is rare that an individual follows just one career path through the course of his/her lifetime. Take advantage of this century, and stay curious.


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